
How Animation Continues to Influence Media and Entertainment

A man in front of camera recording a video to share it in internet. Vloger shares a bradcast in blog or video log. Video bloging, web television or embedded video concept. Violet palette. Vector.

Animation began emerging as an art form during the early stages of cinema, but it was in 1928 when the audience saw Steamboat Willie that it became a worldwide phenomenon and the birth of Mickey Mouse. However, even though the frantic symphony of animated images and lively characters may seem like pure fun, animation has much more to offer. Today, animation recoils on people no matter where they go. People see animated films in cinemas, play video games at home, watch television series, buy them for their children and enjoy relaxing on weekends. Most importantly, they use them in advertising, television titles and many other places.

Different animation definitions exist, ranging from a wide variety of sources, from letters to encyclopaedias with pages of content. However, most definitions share that animation is the process or technique used to create an illusion of movement when still objects are projected in rapid sequence. There is no specific reference to the final result in most definitions, except to say that the term usually refers to drawings, books and films for children, which we consider limited. For more than a decade, boundaries of animation have expanded beyond film and television, sharing space with other media such as video games or virtual reality. Because of this, it is very difficult to explain in words everything that animation can deliver to its audience, thus many artists prefer to say what it is not than what it is. In this post, we’ll explore it in detail, therefore stick around.

Introduction Historical Evolution of Animation in Media

Even in its most rudimentary form, the animated image has had enduring appeal to human beings since the time of ancient Greece, around 400 B.C. A time when Plato and Aristotle called this capability “man of imitation”. 

The animation, as we know it, only became viable with the emergence of the cinema at the end of the 19th century

The 20s represented a great advance for animation as not only were traditional cartoon techniques adapted to cinema, but the public received the first screen animations with sound. 

The 30s represented the definitive consecration of the animated short film and introduced us to what would be its longest running stars. This was a time for many innovations, not only technical but also in the format of the adventures themselves. 

With the 40s came what is considered the Golden Age of this type of film. This was a time when the public realized that with a lot of talent and hard work, cartoons that appeared on the Big Screen could bring adults and children together in this thrilling adventure called cinema.

Animation also influenced documentaries, teaching, and public relations. The impact of these innovations was felt on the television camera as many events were only possible due to the actions performed by the animated cartoon. 

In the 1950s, television proved it was one of the pioneers and spread this genre around the world. 

The 80s was a difficult decade for animation both in spirit and in practice. However, it was also the first time that techniques and concepts that would be present in the following decade came to light. .

The 90s thus became the great climax of this generation with artistic, cinematographic, technical, and financial achievements. This is why there are other long-preserved artistic voices that possess less expressive strength, but occasionally express admirable messages. Thus, these art forms travel through the ages so that the beauty of feelings and the message of love now formalize new labors.

Introduction of Computer Animation in the Film Industry

In the film industry, animation has led the way in technological advancements. Animation has all the time increased in size the realm of what is imaginable on screen, from sketched methods to the use of computer-generated imagery (CGI).

Contemporary Trends in Animation

Animation has seen both technical and content-related changes in recent years. With the expansion of computer technologies, such applications as game development, web design, scientific visualization, deterministic simulation, and genetic algorithms, animation has become possible in a diverse array of areas and has changed both qualitatively and quantitatively. 

This new definition of animation goes beyond its earlier meaning and brings great change to its content and form. Besides commercial films, animation has commenced becoming part of other cinematic areas such as special effects, opening and closing titles, and credit criteria. Even the subjects of works belong to a wide spectrum and are enabled by technological progress. Classic terminology has been reformulated by the blending of historical and cultural approaches.

Character design, background structure, story, and character interaction aside, the opening and closing credits also tell a story and work with the subconscious to create suspense for the main title. As new technical options come to light, contemporary animation makes use of live-action, video, CGI and 2D raster techniques as well as 2D classics. 

The animation design, concept animation, storyboard sketch, color composition, animation and visual effects, faculty of art and design short film, script writing, and production department were realized with Cinema4D software.

Technological Advancements and Innovations in Animation

The animation industry owes a good reach to technological advancements. There has been a significant evolution with respect to technological tools provided for the film industry in general and the animation industry in particular. Many of the modern day blockbusters owe their charm, as well as a large part of their profit, to the special effects created with the help of advanced computer applications. This post examines the development of animation from the perspective of computer technology and a couple of technology-powered inputs made to bring life to drawings on the screen.

Technological advancements, mainly in communication and information, have grown the reach of the audience many times. As a result of technological developments, the process of animation, which used to be a long and monotonous one as a matter of course, has become easier.

Interactive and Immersive Animation Experiences

As the online, technology, gaming, and marketing worlds increasingly cross over to almost become one, new and groundbreaking opportunities have and will foster innovation and discovery for both users and providers, interactors, and content. Users who primarily used to be passive receptors are more and more also interacting, playing, exploring content, offering advice, and retaining some control over their shared worlds.

As part of this evolution, the expanding CAD field has spawned and explored new approaches to offer more intuitive visualization experiences. For the general public, the absolutely groundbreaking and guaranteed film Avatar, directed by James Cameron, was the fire starter by introducing and successfully demonstrating worldwide that audiences are captivated in an overall way and that technology and processes also served the creation of complex virtual worlds. Before gaining prominence, this film succeeded in establishing a new market segment, especially in home video.

Special technology and processes combined with being a subversive narrative, at the time, created, thanks to its visual strength, a (small) paradigm shift, and the public proved to be captivated and willing to spend good sums of money and cheaper to watch the film. 

Since then, the commercial exploration of the stereotype (natural) human-nature cognitive link has been experimented in different approaches and applications. Special features and formats, the strong three-dimensional perception and realism, exhibited special features by creating interactive icons in the digital film’s special content: menus, filters, news messages, and much more. 

Moreover, these narratives explored new disparity windows by creating games. In these games, the movements made in the virtual world are graphically transposed, and intuitiveness was enhanced thanks to the usability of these experiences, thus creating mixed-reality interactions. The exploration of these stereotype approaches gradually produced predictable and less involved interactive and immersive narratives, and in response, return on investment turned out, predictably, to be lower.

Future Trends and Possibilities in Animation

Virtual reality (VR) animation is one of the many techniques that can shorten production times and enhance spatial comprehension, leading to more realistic and surreal content. 

Kinetic typography – For viewers who watch videos silently, this technique of moving text is a great way to communicate ideas without using sound. It helps with social media marketing as well. 

Motion graphics is a digital technique where information or messages are conveyed by animating shapes, logos, and text. It is frequently utilized in advertisements and explainer videos.

Real-Time Rendering – One significant trend is the continuous development of real-time rendering methods. Real-time computer graphics animation can now attain astounding visual loyalty in applications like virtual reality and video games owing to the evolution of powerful GPUs and advanced algorithms. More appealing and lively storytelling is made possible by this. 

Integration of AI and Machine Learning – The fusion of AI and machine learning in computer graphics animation is a fascinating new development. In order to produce realistic animations, mimic natural phenomena, and even help with character animation, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can analyze enormous volumes of data. This creates additional opportunities to boost creativity and automate specific steps in the animation process. 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) – Interconnected with computer graphics animation is being modified by technologies and tools such as mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR). The combination of computerized content into our physical environment can be made more flawless with MR’s capability to mix virtual and real elements logically.

Future Industries that Use Animation Technology

Nowadays it is common to use whiteboard videos in marketing to promote a business and communicate with the audience. After producing the company’s product, it is time to make plans for properly marketing the product. Depending on the extent of advertising, one can expect a higher rate of sales of their goods. Therefore, animation videos are used for marketing and one approaches a video production company that offers quality service. 

It is clear that animated videos are used on the most popular sites. It is also worth mentioning that pages with corresponding animated videos receive more backlinks. Adding animated tools to the business page is even beneficial for the SEMrush optimization tool. 

Animated videos are easy to understand. Promoting products via whiteboard animations or 2D animations is a viable alternative. It helps in describing the goods to customers. Therefore, the use of animated films to communicate your goods as simply as possible is an advantage. 

An animated video has a powerful impact. It has been shown that the stories and graphics match the customer’s images better. Customers remember the videos better than others… An organization’s website’s SEO can benefit from animated videos. An organization’s website’s search engine ranking may be raised with the use of animated videos. Using videos in your content is a great way to increase engagement.

VFX and Animation Course

Diploma UG/PG – (1 Year) UG Degree – (3 Years) PG Degree – (2 Years)
  • Diploma in 3D Animation and VFX
  • Diploma in Unreal Engine
  • B.Sc. in Animation and Visual effects
  • B.Sc. in Game Design and Development

Other Visual Effects and Animation Degrees Offered:

B.Sc in Game Design and Development Learn to conceptualize storylines and game plots
M.Sc in Game Design and Development Learn to design innovative and ground-breaking games
M.Sc in Animation and VFX Bring forth your artistic impulse to create lifelike animated characters
Diploma in Animation and VFX Unveil the artist in you by learning the art of 3D animation


To summarise this article, we explored how the animation industry began, how it still continues to influence media and entertainment, we learned about the courses available to pursue in order to become a world-renowned animator and the different diplomas and advanced courses that are available for you to excel in this industry. 

Therefore, if your aim is to truly master animation, game design and music videos, youtube videos, advertisements, games, and movies post-production. If you are truly interested in making a career in animation and VFX? Then look no further, choose AAFT. We provide animation courses with global reach that allow students to gain in-depth technical knowledge of critical aspects of 2D/3D designers, graphic designers and motion graphic artists, etc. Gain a significant edge and apply to our award-winning animation program today!

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